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This page is not on the website (yet), because it is entirely pseudo-code and python code.

asterisk operator (pseudo)

define Asterisk(x,y,n)
  (coment) if n is 1, it is adding x and y
  (coment) if n is 2, it is multiplying x and y
  (coment) if n is 3, it is it is taking x to the power of y
  (coment) and so on.

  if n = 1
    return x + y

  (coment) because I said that earlier.

  else if y = 1
    return x

  (coment) x times 1 = x, x to the power of 1 = x, ect

    return Asterisk(x,Asterisk(x,y - 1,n),n - 1)

  (coment) this makes sense if you think about it.

asterisk operator (python)

def Asterisk(a, b, n):
  if n == 1:
    return a + b
  elif n == 2:
    return a*b
  elif b == 1:
    return a
    return Asterisk(a,Asterisk(a,b - 1,n),n - 1)

alternitave asterisk operator (python)

def (a, b, n):
  if n == 1:
    return a + b
  if n == 2:
    return a*b
  k = a
  for i in range(b - 1):
    k = Asterisk(a, k, n - 1)

the exact digits of square roots (pseudo)

404 Page not found.

the exact digits of square roots (python) (I have been working on this since this page was made)

def Root(x, y, n):
  f = 0
  while f**x <= y:
    f += 1
  f -= 1
  a = f
  l = 0
  for i in range(n):
    a *= 10
    l += 1
    while a**x <= y*(10**(l*x)):
      a += 1
    a -= 1
  a -= f*(10**l)
  if n > 1:
    return str(f) + '.' + str(a)
    return str(f)

the exact digits of logarithms (pseudo)

404 Page not found.

the exact digits of logarithms (python)

def Log(x, y, n):
  f = 0
  while x**f <= y:
    f += 1
  f -= 1
  a = f
  l = 0
  for i in range(n):
    a *= 10
    l += 1
    while x**a <= y**(10**(l)):
      a += 1
    a -= 1
  a -= f*(10**l)
  if n > 1:
    return str(f) + '.' + str(a)
    return str(f)

as a cherry on top, the exact digits of the roots of polynomials (pseudo)

def Roots(p(x), StartValue, n):
  f = StartValue
  while p(f) <= y:
    f += 1
  f -= 1
  a = f
  l = 0
  for i in range(n):
    a *= 10
    l += 1
    while p(a*(10**(-l) <= p(y):
(coment) you will have to expand and simplify the equation so that it is a differance of integers
      a += 1
    a -= 1
  a -= f*(10**l)
  if n > 1:
    return str(f) + '.' + str(a)
    return str(f)

set theory numbers

def SetTheoryNumbers(n):
  string = "{"
  k = n - 1
  while k >= 0:
    string += SetTheoryNumbers(k)
    k -= 1
  string += "}"
  return string

alternitave set theory numbers

def AlmostSetTheoryNumbers(n):
  if n == 0:
    return ""
  return SetTheoryNumbers(n - 1) + AlmostSetTheoryNumbers(n - 1)
def SetTheoryNumbers(n):
  return "{" + AlmostSetTheoryNumbers(n) + "}"

base names

def SmallestPrimeDivisor(n):
  k = 2
  while n % k != 0:
    k += 1
  return k
def AlmostBase(n):
  if n == 2:
    return "bi"
  if SmallestPrimeDivisor(n) == n:
    return "un" + AlmostBase(n - 1) + "sna"
  string = ""
  k = n
  while k != 1:
    spdk = SmallestPrimeDivisor(k)
    string += AlmostBase(spdk)
    k /= spdk
  return string
def base(n):
  if n < 2:
    return "n must be a positave integer!"
  return AlmostBase(n) + "nary"

base names (first \(n\) values)

def SmallestPrimeDivisor(n):
  k = 2
  while n % k != 0:
    k += 1
  return k
N = 100
for n in range(N):
  L = [None, None]
  if n == 2:
    L += ["bi"]
  if SmallestPrimeDivisor(n) == n:
    L.append("un" + L[n - 1] + "sna")
    print("un" + AlmostBase(n - 1) + "snanary")
  string = ""
  k = n
  while k != 1:
    spdk = SmallestPrimeDivisor(k)
    string += L[spdk]
    k /= spdk
  print(string + "nary")

the exact digits of reciprocals (in any base) (using my home made method)

def frac(n, b):
  if n == 1:
    return "this code can not compute one over one!"
  if b == 1:
    return "the base must not equal one!"
  if n < b:
    nb = n
    nb = b
  for K in range(nb - 1):
    k = K + 2
    if n % k == 0:
      if b % k == 0:
        return "this code will not work if you give it two numbers that are coprime"
  rem = b % n
  string = "0. repeating " + str(b // n)
  for i in range(n - 2):
    rem *= b
    string += " " + str(rem // n)
    rem %= n
    if rem == 1:
      return string

also, this is the \(400\)'th commit to this branch.


def crash(exponent):
  result = "1"
  for i in range(exponent):
    result += result
  return result

virus #2 (it goes without saying at this point)

result = "1"
while true:
  result += result
  print result

group theory (I've kinda been doing a lot of group theory today and yesterday)

def GroupTheory(TheNumberOfFaces, TransformationNumberOne, TransformationNumberOnesIndex, TransformationNumberTwo, TransformationNumberTwosIndex):
  if (TheNumberOfFaces < 2) or (TransformationNumberOne != "f" and TransformationNumberOne != "r") or (TransformationNumberOnesIndex < 0 or TransformationNumberOnesIndex >= TheNumberOfFaces) or (TransformationNumberTwo != "f" and TransformationNumberTwo != "r") or (TransformationNumberTwosIndex < 0 or TransformationNumberTwosIndex >= TheNumberOfFaces):
    return "that isn't group theory!"
  if TransformationNumberOne == "f":
    if TransformationNumberTwo == "f":
      return "r" + str((TransformationNumberTwosIndex - TransformationNumberOnesIndex) % TheNumberOfFaces)
    return "f" + str((TransformationNumberOnesIndex - TransformationNumberTwosIndex) % TheNumberOfFaces)
  if TransformationNumberTwo == "f":
    return "f" + str((TransformationNumberTwosIndex - TransformationNumberOnesIndex) % TheNumberOfFaces)
  return "r" + str((TransformationNumberOnesIndex + TransformationNumberTwosIndex) % TheNumberOfFaces)

binary names

404 Page not found.

alternitave numbers

def SmallestPrimeDivisor(n):
  k = 2
  while n % k != 0:
    k += 1
  return k
def AlmostNumber(n, threshold):
  if n <= threshold and n > 0:
    isPrime = "false"
    return str(n)
  if SmallestPrimeDivisor(n) == n:
    isPrime = "true"
    return "((" + AlmostNumber(n - 1) + ")+1)"
    isPrime = "false"
  string = ""
  k = n
  while k != 1:
    spdk = SmallestPrimeDivisor(k)
    string += AlmostBase(spdk)
    k /= spdk
  return string
def number(n, threshold):
  if isPrime == "false":
    return AlmostNumber(n, threshold)
  result = ""
  for i in range(1, len(AlmostNumber(n, threshold)) - 1):
    result += AlmostNumber(n, threshold)[i]
  return result

magic sequences

magic sequences

def MagiSeq(n):
  MagicSequence = [1]
  MagicNext = 1
  for i in range(n - 1):
    MagicNext *= 2
    MagicNext %= n
    MagicSequence += [MagicNext]
    if MagicNext in MagicSequence[:-1]:
      return MagicSequence

The Apocalyptic Numbers

The Apocalyptic Numbers

for i in range(1000):
  power = str(2 ** i)
  for j in range(len(power)):
    if power[j] == "6":
      if len(power) >= j + 2:
        if power[j + 1] == "6":
          if power[j + 2] == "6":
            if power[j + 3] != "6":
              result = ""
              for k in range(j):
                result += power[k]
              result += "  666  "
              for k in range(j + 3, len(power)):
                result += power[k]
              if i != 157:
              print(f"{i}, 2^{i} = {result}")

nsuemtb etrh etohreyo#r#y

def SmallestPrimeDivisor(n):
  k = 2
  while n % k != 0:
    k += 1
  return k
N = 100
for n in range(N):
  L = ["", "{}"]
  if SmallestPrimeDivisor(n) == n:
    L.append("{" + L[n - 1] + "}")
    print("{" + L[n - 1] + "}")
  string = "{"
  k = n
  while k != 1:
    spdk = SmallestPrimeDivisor(k)
    string += L[spdk]
    k /= spdk
  L.append(string + "}")
  print(string + "}")